SHIPPING TIME: Packages are generally dispatched within 2 days after receipt of payment and are usually shipped via FedEx Ground or FedEx Express with tracking (a signature may be required for some orders). Priority Mail or Express Mail isnt recommended, but may be offered for some customers in remote areas not served well by FedEx.

MISSING ITEMS AND DAMAGES: Please inspect your shipment for completeness immediately on arrival. Damages must be reported within 3 days after delivery. All packaging material must be kept for review by a FedEx delivery driver who will be assigned to inspect the damages. Damages or missing items not reported within 3 days of delivery may hinder our ability to offer a refund.

COLLECT SHIPMENTS: We can only ship FedEx EXPRESS collect. We cannot ship UPS collect and we cannot ship FedEx Ground collect. All other shipment methods require prepaid shipping on our account and added to your invoice. If you choose FedEx collect shipping, all insurance fees, damage claims and related losses are entirely remediated by your FedEx account and associated claims process. We do not provide free returns, exchanges or reimbursements when goods are shipped collect on your FedEx Express account. 

EXPORT SHIPMENTS AND CUSTOMS CLEARANCE: we can assist customers in Canada, Australia and much of Europe with Customs clearance services. However, you are responsible for knowing what import licenses may be required for your order. For Canadian customers, we can process your order through Customs efficiently on our Canada GST account, so you will not need to work with a Customs broker.  

PERISHABLE ITEMS: for an additional fee, we can include a styrofoam cooler and blue ice for international shipment of perishable items. THERE IS NO REFRIGERATION WHEN IN TRANSIT. Delays in Customs processing are not our responsibility - please be sure and begin the clearance process as soon as we send you shipment notification and associated documents via email.

CHECK YOUR EMAILS - our preferred form of communication is in writing by email. MAKE SURE that the email you used for account creation is accurate, and that you check your emails throughout the day for shipment notifications and other customer service related issues.

Legal Notice

1). The purchaser is 100% responsible for legal purchase, storage, application, use, advertising, forwarding and resale, whenever applicable, for all items and services purchased or acquired from this website. 

2). The purchaser is entirely responsible for the understanding any legal theories that pertain to the use of the products advertised on this website. If the purchaser is unfamiliar with said theories, it is the purchaser's responsibility to seek appropriately licensed legal counsel. We do not give refunds for goods confiscated by Customs agents or any other State or Government enforcement agency.

3). To help prevent against unlawful intrusion of this website and its database information, we will collect and store any information associated with visitors to this website. This includes both manual visits as well as script generated indexing visits. Website "harvesting" or "scraping" will be considered a Copyright violation. 

4). To help prevent and prosecute credit card fraud, all IP addresses associated with visits and orders are recorded and stored for an indefinite time period. This includes both domestic (USA) and international users.

5). Anyone who visits or uses this website fully agrees to these stipulations.